
Time: Monday, 8 July, 13:40 - 15:20
Location: Lambrakis Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

EarthDaily Industrial Workshop

Workshop Thematic Background:

The number of available satellites and sensors from both public and private sector, acquiring at different temporal and spatial resolutions and covering different part of the electromagnetic spectrum, has increased exponentially over the last years. With the arrival of the EarthDaily Constellation, allowing for daily coverage of nearly 100% of the Earth’s landmass every day and up to 5m GSD in wavelengths ranging from visible to thermal infrared, new opportunities arise to use dense time series to tackle numerous scientific and economic opportunities and solve subsequent challenges. Among those challenges, those related to sustainability plays a critical role for the future of human society, especially by addressing biodiversity, agriculture and food security, water, or soil issues. The workshop panellists will elaborate and dig into those topics through two distinct discussions.

Discussion Topics

Round A discussion topic

The first round of discussion will focus on data and emphasize the complementarity between the multiple EO missions / sensors and technologies in the context of a data new age boosted by the exponential developments of state-of-the-art algorithms and AI approaches. Considering on one hand the wide range of data and integrated services made available by space agencies and their effort to support end-users access, and on the other hand the increasing number of data providers available on the market, panellists will share their opinions and debate how and why there is a need for standardization and algorithms sharing, data quality benchmarks, but also how space agencies and commercial constellations can combine effort to support the world’s most pressing challenges.

Round B discussion topic

The second round of discussion will focus on applications and how leveraging dense time series and artificial intelligence will unlock new scientific developments and innovative applications, possibly applied at large scale. Emphasis will be made on Sustainability, with links to biodiversity, agriculture and food security. Discussions will provide technical insights (How to use such EO data to fill information gaps? How to handle the lack of ground truth? How to solve commercial and technical barriers to give easy access to data and applications?), enlighten the commercial and public visions, and open-up on how to combine remote sensing, artificial intelligence in Sustainability to help human society address its next decades key challenges, considering the prism of the climate change.

To Whom this workshop is addressed:

For every stakeholder that understands that there is a pressing need of global monitoring and how high-cadence, scientific-quality satellite and AI-derived monitoring, change detection alerting, and predictive analytics, at scale may support these challenges. In other words, scientists, experts and decision makers that are involved in food security and farm soil decarbonization, water optimization, climate change and carbon trading, deforestation & biodiversity loss, habitat protection, ESG reporting and corporate accountability and disaster response.

Workshop panelists and moderators will include experts and scientist from EarthDaily, ESA, NASA, GEOGLAM, VITO, EPFL, EVU, DLR and NOA.


  1. Prof. Dr. Inbal Reshef, NASA Harvest Director
  2. Steven Krekels, Vito (RS Unit manager)
  3. Dr. Devis Tuia, EPFL
  4. Dr. Zoltan Szantoi, ESA
  5. Sven Gillians, Director of GEOGLAM
  6. Chris Rampersad, EDA, VP Engineering
  7. Dr. Harold Clénet, EDAgro
  8. Prof Dr Gustau Camp-Valls


  1. Gunter Schreier, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  2. Dr Athanasios Ganas, National Observatory of Athens (NOA)