TIE Events

Technology, Industry, and Education (TIE) Forum

Join professionals from around the world who are willing to share their backgrounds and expertise for a wide-ranging exploration of the world of remote sensing. Attend our events to discover advanced strategies for geospatial products and services, new funding opportunities, to advance your knowledge in the world of data challanges, digital twins, quantum remote sensing, and co-design. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your presentation skills and resume.

Finally, we look forward to welcoming you to our exciting technical and social events organized in collaboration with GRSS YP and GRSS IDEA

Event Code Event Name Date Time Location
TIE.01 YP Presentation Skills Sunday 7 July 10:30-16:30 Lecture Hall
TIE.02 Townhall on "Digital Twins for Earth Science" Monday 8 July 13:40-15:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.03 Scaling Science Workshop Monday 8 July 16:20-18:40 Lecture Hall
TIE.04 YP Breakfast Lecture Series 1 Tuesday 9 July 08:00-09:00 Allegro Hall
TIE.05 Entrepreneurship Workshop: Accelerate Your Geospatial Startup Tuesday 9 July 09:00-10:40 Lecture Hall
TIE.06 Geospatial Business Brainstorming Tuesday 9 July 11:40-13:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.07 YP GeoPitch: Innovating for a Sustainable Future with Geoscience and Remote Sensing Tuesday 9 July 14:40-16:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.08 YP Career Panel and Networking Tuesday 9 July 17:20-19:00 Lecture Hall
TIE.09 Young Professionals Mixer Tuesday 9 July 20:00-23:00 Skyfall Bar
TIE.10 YP Breakfast Lecture Series 2 Wednesday 10 July 08:00-09:00 Allegro Hall
TIE.11 TIE Forum on Data Challenges for Sustainability Wednesday 10 July 09:00-10:40 Lecture Hall
TIE.12 IDEA Industry WGRSS - A Panel Discussion Wednesday 10 July 11:40-13:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.13 Diversity in GRSS Luncheon (Formerly called Women in GRSS Luncheon) Wednesday 10 July 13:20-14:40 Allegro Hall
TIE.14 YP 3MT Competition Wednesday 10 July 14:40-16:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.15 TIE Panel on Quantum Technology for Remote Sensing Wednesday 10 July 17:20-19:00 Lecture Hall
TIE.16 IDEA Breakfast - A Technical Talk Thursday 11 July 08:00-09:00 Allegro Hall
TIE.17 European Research Council (ERC) Grants and Funding Thursday 11 July 09:00-10:40 Lecture Hall
TIE.18 Co-design in Earth Observation: Past, Present, and Future Thursday 11 July 11:40-13:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.19 YP/IDEA Speed Mentoring Event Thursday 11 July 13:20-14:40 Allegro Hall
TIE.20 IDEA Indigenous Inclusion Thursday 11 July 14:40-16:20 Lecture Hall
TIE.21 IEEE GRSS Journals Thursday 11 July 17:20-19:00 Lecture Hall
TIE.22 YP Climate Change Friday 12 July 09:00-10:40 Lecture Hall
TIE.23 CV writing Friday 12 July 11:40-13:20 Lecture Hall
Time: Sunday 7 July, 10:30 -16:30
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

YP Presentation Skills Workshop

Event Code - TIE.01
Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Event Description: Begin the Symposium with Brian Brophy, Caltech Theater Director and JPL Story Coach, for a unique sci-com training workshop on storytelling with improvisation to sharpen your skills to communicate your science. Whether it is Geoscience, Remote Sensing or any other field, how can you create the best version of yourself for any occasion and not be a phony version of yourself. The five-hour workshop will explore your origin stories, science passion, research and then practice your story (3 minutes) to deliver at the end of the session, if time allows. For anyone giving a talk at this Symposium keep in mind three things that might help keep your audience alert:  1) My action. What am I doing?  2) My objective. Why am I doing it? 3) My circumstances. Where and with whom am I doing it? 

Presenter: Brian Brophy, Caltech Theater Arts Director

Additional Information

Presenter's Bio: Brian Brophy is the Director of Caltech Theater, Story Coach at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for Missions Trident (Probe to Triton), Veritas (Orbiter to Venus), co-creator of Credible Messenger Training with JPL’s Story Architect Paul Propster, Fulbright Scholar to India and twenty-five-year veteran actor in the film/TV/theater industry. He also continues as a Scholar in Residence at the Indian Institute of Technology (IITGN) for his fifth tour this summer 20024. Other highlights include Yale-NUS Singapore Artist in Residence, a multi-recipient of the California Arts Council/Culture Affairs Department Artist in Community grants and recipient of a George Soros Foundation funding award for a theater project in Bosnia. During the Covid years of 2020-2023 Brophy facilitated online scientific storytelling workshops and digital lifestyle training with members of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech community.

Time: Monday 8 July, 13:40 -15:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Townhall on "Digital Twins for Earth Science"

Event Code - TIE.02

Event Description: NASA, ESA, NOAA, CNES and several other international organizations have started programs to design and develop Digital Twins of the Earth and/or Earth systems. Earth Systems Digital Twins (ESDTs) are dynamic and interactive information systems for understanding, forecasting, and conjecturing the complex interconnections among Earth systems, including anthropomorphic forcings and impacts to humanity. Organized around interconnected, multi-domain, high-scale modeling capabilities, the three major components of an Earth System Digital Twin are a continuously updated Digital Replica of the Earth System of interest (or “What Now”), dynamic Forecasting models (or “What Next”), and Impact Assessment capabilities (or “What If”). ESDTs provide unified, comprehensive representations and predictions that can be utilized for monitoring the health of the Planet, as well as for developing actionable information to support decision making. More generally, Digital Twins will help researchers better understand the fundamental Earth systems that impact everything from wildfires to climate change.

This Townhall will provide a status of Destination Earth as well as ESA’s, NASA’s, CNES’s and NOAA’s current independent and common efforts in Digital Twins; then the four organizations will provide information about community building before engaging a dialogue about Digital Twins of the Earth with the IGARSS community.


  • Dr. Jacqueline Le Moigne, NASA
  • Dr. Claudia Vitolo, ESA
  • Dr. Simon Baillarin, CNES
  • Sean Helfrich, NOAA


  • Dr. Thomas Geenen, ECMWF
  • Dr. Sid Boukabara, NASA

Additional Information

Related Techinical Sessions

  • SP.4: Leveraging the Destination Earth and Digital Twins paradigms
  • CCS.10: Advancing Earth System Digital Twins for Informed Decision Making
  • CCS.33: Digital Twins in Europe, looking at challenges and opportunities in interoperability
  • CCS.37: Explainable, Physics-aware and Trustworthy AI for SAR: Towards Digital Twin Earth

Time: Monday 8 July, 16:20 -18:40
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Scaling Science Workshop

Event Code - TIE.03
Event co-organized with GRSS IndRel

Event Description: The Scaling Science workshop is based on the published guide by IEEE GRSS and Development Seed, titled the same name and intended for those who seek to gain a greater understanding of how to effectively harness and scale geospatial data and scientific research using modern, open-source tools and methodologies. It is designed for scientists, researchers and data practitioners who are looking to leverage cloud computing, machine learning and big data analytics to enhance their projects. This resource is designed to highlight best practices for managing large datasets, automating workflows and collaborating in a way that maximizes the impact and reach of scientific endeavors.

The workshop and affiliated guide offer practical insights and step-by-step instructions, making them useful for anyone aiming to advance their data-driven research and achieve scalable, reproducible and impactful results. Specifically, the Scaling Science workshop seeks to help bridge the gap between academia and industry by introducing academics to the tools and techniques that are widely used in the commercial sector.

This workshop will involve brief lectures, interactive programming exercises and group discussions.


  • Lillianne Thomas, Development Seed
  • Ioannis Prapas, OrionLab at the National Technical University of Athens, Manteo
  • Spyros Kondylatos, OrionLab at the National Technical University of Athens, Manteo
  • Nikolaos-Ioannis Bountos, OrionLab at the National Technical University of Athens
  • Nikolaos Papadopoulos, OrionLab at the National Technical University of Athens

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 08:00 -09:00
Location: Allegro Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

YP Breakfast Lecture Series 1

Event Code - TIE.04
Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Event Description: Join us for an unforgettable breakfast lecture series focused on the practical applications of geoscience and remote sensing technology! Our distinguished speakers will provide valuable insights and perspectives into real-world applications of this powerful technology. Engage with fellow students, young professionals, and experts through interactive lectures, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities - all while enjoying breakfast.

This event is open to all IGARSS attendees, regardless of age or professional status.

Whether you are seeking to explore different career paths or are interested in the latest advancements in remote sensing technology, our lectures offer practical knowledge and skills to help you advance in your field. Don't miss this chance to unlock the potential of remote sensing technology and create a positive impact on society. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!

Lecturer: Prof Adriano Camps
Biography: Adriano Camps joined the Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), as an Assistant Professor in 1993, Associate Professor in 1997, and Full Professor since 2007. In 1999, he was on sabbatical leave at the Microwave Remote Sensing Lab., of the Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst. Since September 2022 he has been an ASPIRE Visiting International Professor at the UAE University, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi. His research interests are focused on: 1) microwave remote sensing, with special emphasis on microwave radiometry by aperture synthesis (Ph.D. Thesis about the MIRAS instrument, which became the single payload of ESA’s SMOS mission), 2) remote sensing using signals of opportunity (GNSS-R), 3) radio frequency interference detection and mitigation, 4) ionospheric propagation, 5) the study of remote sensing earthquake precursors, and 6) nanosatellites as a tool to test innovative remote sensors. In 2017-2018 he was the President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.


In this talk, Prof. Adriano Camps, delves into the fascinating world of CubeSats. After an introduction to showcast their impactful contributions to Earth Observation and Communications, Prof. Camps will then introduce the projects developed at the UPC NanoSatLab, highlighting two significant missions: FSSCat and 3Cat-4.

Additional Information

Tickets: 5 Euro (one-day lecture)

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

As places are limited, we kindly advise you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your attendance at this event. Breakfast will be provided to all attendees!!!

Entrepreneurship Workshop: Accelerate Your Geospatial Startup

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 09:00 -10:40
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.05
Event co-organized with GRSS IndRel

Event Description: The runway to start a successful business or bring a new product to market is shorter than ever due to rapidly evolving technology and changing marketplace conditions. This panel will help you take your idea for a new geospatial business, product, or service from concept to success as quickly as possible. Our panel of startup experts will discuss how to seek funding from venture capital sources, choose a business incubator or accelerator, and implement the right go-to-market strategy. The session will include Q and A between panelists and attendees. After a coffee break, attendees will have a chance to discuss their geospatial startup ideas one on one with our expert panelists.


  • Kevin Corbley, President of Corbley Communications


  • Isabelle Chatel de Brancion - Business and Innovation Lead, GEOVATION from Ordnance Survey
  • Joerg Herrmann - Senior Advisor, Remote Sensing, Space, Geospatial Intelligence
  • Nicolas Peter - Acting President/Head of Incubator, International Space University
  • Shawana Johnson - President, Global Marketing Insights

Additional Information

Moderator's Bio: Kevin Corbley is president of Corbley Communications, a strategic communications firm in Fort Collins, Colorado. Since 1993, Kevin has worked on the startup teams of the most successful organizations in the geospatial industry - Space Imaging, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Radarsat, RapidEye and others. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from the University of Notre Dame and worked as public affairs manager for the U.S. Landsat program. For 10 years, Kevin has served as a judge and team advisor for one of the largest university business startup competitions in the United States.

Geospatial Business Brainstorming

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 11:40 -13:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.06

Event co-organized with GRSS IndRel

Event Description: Do you have an idea for a Geospatial business, product, or service but don't know how to get started? This session is for you. Attendees will have 10 minutes of confidential one-on-one to share their idea with experts from the Geospatial Business Startup Workshop panel. The experts will offer their advice on the next steps that should be taken to turn a business idea into reality. Signups will held during the «Geospatial Business Start-Up Workshop» session, but walk-ins will be welcome to the Brainstorming session.


  • Kevin Corbley, President of Corbley Communications


  • Isabelle Chatel de Brancion - Business and Innovation Lead, GEOVATION from Ordnance Survey
  • Joerg Hermann - Senior Advisor, Remote Sensing, Space, Geospatial Intelligence
  • Nicolas Peter - Acting President/Head of Incubator, International Space University
  • Shawana Johnson - President, Global Marketing Insights

Additional Information

Moderator's Bio: Kevin Corbley is president of Corbley Communications, a strategic communications firm in Fort Collins, Colorado. Since 1993, Kevin has worked on the startup teams of the most successful organizations in the geospatial industry - Space Imaging, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Radarsat, RapidEye and others. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from the University of Notre Dame and worked as public affairs manager for the U.S. Landsat program. For 10 years, Kevin has served as a judge and team advisor for one of the largest university business startup competitions in the United States.

YP GeoPitch: Innovating for a Sustainable Future with Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 14:40 -16:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.07

Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Come and join us in the YP Geopitch Challenge final event.

Event Description: Are you a young professional interested in tackling sustainability challenges using remote sensing technologies? If so, we have an exciting new competition for you! IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is pleased to introduce the "GeoPitch: Innovating for a Sustainable Future with Remote Sensing" competition, designed to challenge participants to develop innovative and effective solutions to pressing environmental issues.

The competition will take place in an elevator pitch format, with participants having only one minute to capture the attention of judges with their innovative ideas. All students and young professionals attending IGARSS 2024 are eligible to participate.

The topics for proposed solutions can relate to deforestation and forest degradation, climate change, agriculture and food security, water resource management, natural disaster response and management, urbanization and land use change, and energy resource management. However, this list is not exhaustive - we welcome all innovative ideas related to leveraging remote sensing technologies to tackle sustainability challenges.

To enter, simply submit an abstract of 400-500 words that clearly describes the problem at hand, why it's important to tackle that problem, current practices used to solve the problem, the proposed solution, and how it aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Entries will be evaluated based on

  • The clarity and innovation of the idea
  • Relevance of proposed solution with sustainable development
  • Cost-effectiveness and reproducibility of the proposed solution
  • Generalizability of the proposed solution from local to global level

After Phase I, 10 innovators will be selected to compete in the Phase II which will take place live at IGARSS 2024.

Three winners will be selected by the judging panelists based on the criterion mentioned above, and awarded cash money of 500$, 300$, and 200$ and certificates.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas to bring your solutions to life! Submit your abstracts by May 31 2024, through this form.

If you have any questions about the competition, please send us an email at geopitch@2024.ieeeigarss.org.

Additional Information

By May 31,2024: Abstract submission via Google Form for Phase I of the competition.
By June 23,2024: Announcement of selected innovators for Phase II.
By July 09,2024: GeoPitch live competition and announcement of the winners.

YP Career Panel and Networking

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 17:20 -19:00
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.08
Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Event Description: The Career Panel brings together accomplished leading experts from various backgrounds, including industry, academia, and research laboratories, who will share their valuable experiences, best practices, how to make career choices, and the mindset required to thrive in a successful career.

This career panel presents an exceptional opportunity for students exploring career possibilities, young professionals seeking to enhance their expertise, or professionals looking forward to further advancing their career to gain insights from a distinguished group of professionals.

The panel will feature an interactive discussion, driven by audience questions.


  • Rufai Balogun, EURAC Research, Italy


  • Franz Meyer, Chief Scientist, Alaska Satellite
  • Xiunping Jia, Associate Professor, UNSW, Canberra, Australia
  • Karen St. Germain, Earth Science Director, NASA, USA
  • Donny Ma Aminou, Ex Program Senior Advisor, MTG, ESA, Netherlands
  • Claudia Notarnicola, Head, Institute for Earth Observation, EURAC Research, Italy

Young Professionals’ Mixer

Time: Tuesday 9 July, 20:00 -23:00
Location: Skyfall Bar, Mark. Mousourou 1, Athens

Event Code - TIE.09
Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Event Description: If you are a student, recent graduate, or young professional attending IGARSS 2024, don't miss out on the Young Professionals' Mixer sponsored by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society!

Join us for an evening of interactive and engaging experiences that bring together a diverse group of academics, graduate students, young professionals, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs. This is the perfect opportunity to mingle, network, and establish new connections.

Moreover, this event offers an outstanding platform for recruiters to connect with and discover promising talent in the field of geoscience and remote sensing. Indulge in a free flow of drinks, Hors d’oeuvres, while you challenge yourself in a TRIVIA contest and enjoy other surprises!

However, please note that spots are limited, so we encourage you to reserve your spot now to secure your place at this unforgettable event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Additional Information

Tickets: IEEE student members: USD €10 | Student non-members: USD €15 | IEEE members: USD €20 | Non-members: USD €30

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at yp@grss-ieee.org.

YP Breakfast Lecture Series 2

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 08:00 -09:00
Location: Allegro Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.10
Event co-organized with GRSS YP

Event Description: Join us for an unforgettable breakfast lecture series focused on the practical applications of geoscience and remote sensing technology! Our distinguished speakers will provide valuable insights and perspectives into real-world applications of this powerful technology. Engage with fellow students, young professionals, and experts through interactive lectures, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities - all while enjoying breakfast.

This event is open to all IGARSS attendees, regardless of age or professional status.

Whether you are seeking to explore different career paths or are interested in the latest advancements in remote sensing technology, our lectures offer practical knowledge and skills to help you advance in your field. Don't miss this chance to unlock the potential of remote sensing technology and create a positive impact on society. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!

Lecturer: Prof Devis Tuia
Biography: Devis completed his PhD at University of Lausanne, Switzerland, where he studied kernel methods for hyperspectral satellite data. He then traveled the world as a postdoc, first at University of València, then at CU Boulder and finally back to EPFL. In 2014, he became assistant professor at University of Zurich, and in 2017 he moved to Wageningen University in the Netherlands, where he was chair of the Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory. Since September 2020, he is back to EPFL, where he leads the Environmental Computational  Science and Earth Observation laboratory (ECEO) in Sion. There, he studies the Earth from above with machine learning and computer vision, with a particular focus on the monitoring of biodiversity with digital sensors.


We live an age full of data. In all areas of society, digital data is now abundant, but also unstructured and pretty much unexploited. Environmental science is no exception and the lat years have seen an increase of use of digital sensing to observe an understand processes at work and their impacts of human activities. In this talk, I will present some recent research at the interface of machine learning and the geosciences, where satellite, drone and close sensing data were used to support mapping over land and sea.

Additional Information

Tickets: 5 Euro (one-day lecture)

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

As places are limited, we kindly advise you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your attendance at this event. Breakfast will be provided to all attendees!!!

TIE Forum on Data Challenges for Sustainability

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 09:00 -10:40
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.11

Event Description: This Technical, Industry and Education (TIE) Forum will discuss lessons learned from running international data challenges and how to better address sustainability issues. The panel session will convene experts from industry and academia with recent data challenge experience and engage the audience in an active discussion.


  • Anna Biel, Program Manager, EY Open Science Data Challenge


  • Dr. Brian Killough - Director, EY Open Science Data Challenge
  • Dr. Claudio Persello - Director, IADF Data Challenge, University of Twente
  • Harry Wright - Founder and Director, Bright Tide Sustainability Consulting

Additional Information

Profile of the expected attendees: This session will be of interest to: data challenge participants (students, researchers), data challenge developers (academia, industry, NGOs, non-profits), and data challenge beneficiaries (governments, researchers, start-ups).

IDEA Industry WGRSS - A Panel Discussion

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 11:40 -13:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.12
Event co-organized with GRSS IDEA

Event Description: This event will include male and female industry lead Industry will give insights into career opportunities in the Industry, obstacles they have faced, and strategies for overcoming them. The conversation will also cover creating diversity and inclusion in the geoscience community and offering tangible strategies to support and increase women's engagement in this area. Attendees will obtain a better grasp of the current and future opportunities for women in geosciences and remote sensing. We are excited to see you there and have a interactive session with panellists’.


  • Betty Charalampopoulou, CEO/President Geosystems Hellas S.A. Athens
  • Diana Mastracci Sanchez, International Strategic Indigenous Liaison for GEO Indigenous Alliance
  • Dr. Cecilia “Niki” Clark, Research and Development Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
  • Dr Camile Sothe, Data Scientist, Forest Ecosystems team, Planet Labs PBC, San Francisco, California

Diversity in GRSS Luncheon (Formerly called Women in GRSS Luncheon)

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 13:20 -14:40
Location: Allegro Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.13
Event co-organized with GRSS IDEA

Event Description: Everyone is welcome! Be sure to register for the Women in GRSS (WGRSS) Luncheon on Wednesday, July 10, 2024! The luncheon, organised by the Inspire, Develop, Empower, and Advance (IDEA) committee, provides a forum for men & women interested in supporting diversity to interact in an informal setting. The luncheon will shed light on benefits of Women Mentoring Women and opportunities in Women in Africa initiative. After a short welcome and introductions, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss & network with other participants over lunch. The atmosphere is welcoming and you will surely leave the event like you have new friends at your side. The lunch will include a boxed lunch so don’t miss out!

Additional Information

Tickets: 15 Euro

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

As places are limited, we kindly advise you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your attendance at this event. Light lunch will be provided to all attendees!!!

YP 3MT Competition

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 14:40 -16:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.14
Event co-organized with GRSS Award Chair and GRSS YP

Event Description: Come and join us in the final phase of the IGARSS Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT™) to witness the live presentations of ten exceptional finalists.

3MT®, founded by the University of Queensland, is an academic competition that cultivates students’ presentation and research communication skills and challenges them to describe their thesis within three minutes to a non-specialist audience with one static slide.

During this final phase, the distinguished panel of experts will evaluate the 10 presentations based on the official 3MT competition rules and select the three winners who will be announced during the IGARSS Awards banquet.​

We look forward to your presence at this remarkable event.!

Additional Information

The call for submission, the competition rules, the timeline and the submission form can be found at the following link: https://www.2024.ieeeigarss.org/3mt.php

Deadline for submission: 15 of May

TIE Panel on Quantum Technology for Remote Sensing

Time: Wednesday 10 July, 17:20 -19:00
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.15

Event Description: This Technology, Industry and Education (TIE) session will bring together a panel of experts from industry, academia, and government, to brainstorm with the IGARSS attendees on the potential of Quantum Sensing in the near and far terms. After some brief remarks by the panel members, questions from the moderator, the audience will engage with the panel members in an open question and answer session to explore the current state of the art in quantum sensing and the potential for revolutionary gains in the performance of various sensor types.


  • Dr. Upendra N Singh, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Clayton Turner, Director, NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia, USA


  • Prof. Michael E. Tobar, University of Western Australia (UWA), Australia
  • Dr. Von Klitzing Wolf, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
  • Dr. Lute Maleki, CEO, OE Waves, Pasadena, California, USA
  • Dr. Aaron T Strangfeld, European Space Agency, Netherlands
  • Dr. Sheng-Wey Chiow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA

Additional Information

Related Techinical Sessions

  • CCS. 86: Quantum Technology for Remote Sensing

IDEA Breakfast - A Technical Talk

Time: Thursday 11July, 08:00 -09:00
Location: Allegro Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.16
Event co-organized with GRSS IDEA

Event Description: Join us for a memorable breakfast focusing on geoscience and remote sensing technology applications. Our prominent speakers will share useful insights and perspectives on the real-world applications of this powerful technology. Engage with other students, young professionals, and experts through interactive lectures, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities, all while eating breakfast. This event is available to all IGARSS attendees, regardless of age or occupation. Don't pass up this opportunity to realize the full potential of remote sensing technology and make a constructive contribution to society.
See you all there!


  • Mary Immaculate Neh Fru, Center of Geological and Mining Research Garoua, Cameroon


  • Karen M. St. Germain, Earth Science Division Director, NASA, USA

Additional Information

Tickets: 5 Euro

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

As places are limited, we kindly advise you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your attendance at this event. Breakfast will be provided to all attendees.

European Research Council (ERC) Grants and Funding

Time: Thursday 11 July, 09:00 -10:40
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.17

Event Description: This ERC info-session is for participants at various stages of their careers, who are considering applying for funding to conduct research in Europe. The European Research Council (ERC) is a leading European funding body that supports excellent investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of science. ERC calls for proposals are open to applicants of any nationality, as long as their project is carried out at a host institution in the EU or an associated country. The ERC offers exceptional funding opportunities, with grant budgets ranging from €1.5 to €3.5 million for individual scientists.

The workshop consists of three presentations, followed by a Q&A session. The first presentation covers the key features of ERC individual funding schemes, including eligibility criteria and tips on how to prepare a competitive proposal. The second lecture features a testimonial from an ERC grantee, who share their experience in preparing the proposal and how the ERC grant helped them establish a team and advance their research career. The final presentation is delivered by an ERC panel member, who shares their experience as an evaluator of outstanding candidates with diverse backgrounds and groundbreaking ideas.


  • • Dr. Nicolas Sifakis, Scientific Officer, ERCEA


  • Dr. Michelangelo Villano, Head of the NewSpace SAR Research Group, DLR
  • Prof. Athanassios Nenes, Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes, EPFL

Additional Information

Profile of the expected attendees: Graduate students, post-docs, researchers, and tenure-track faculty, who are considering applying for funding to conduct research in Europe.

Moderator's Bio: Nicolas Sifakis, a scientific officer in the Earth System Science panel at the ERC, is an engineer specialising in remote sensing and atmospheric science. Previously, he worked at the EC Task Force establishing the EEA and oversaw the coordination of CORINE Land Cover. He also served as a research director at the National Observatory of Athens and participated in NASA's Environment and Health Program at the GSFC. Dr Sifakis pioneered the use of high-resolution satellite data for air pollution mapping and has developed a real-time wildfire detection system using low-resolution satellite data.

Co-design in Earth Observation: Past, Present, and Future

Time: Thursday 11 July, 11:40 -13:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.18

Event Description: This workshop explores the evolution and potential of co-design in Earth Observation (EO). Starting with a retrospective of the e-shape project, it showcases pioneering results in EO co-design, featuring firsthand experience from former e-shape participants. Expanding beyond e-shape, recent initiatives such as the Destination Earth (DestinE) program and the Eurogeo Secretariat integrated these "resilient-fit co-design" methodologies into a variety of use contexts, such as a digital twin platform, thus expanding the range of application and showing promising prospects for further adaptation and enhancement of co-design for EO.

Participants will engage in a dynamic course-training mix. They will receive an introduction to the co-design methodology, supplemented by quick exercises to apply the method. Through this hands-on approach, attendees will not only gain practical experience but also have the opportunity for self-reflection, adapting co-design best practices to their own environments.

This workshop promises to be an enriching exploration of co-design's past, present, and future, offering valuable insights and tools for participants to enhance their own EO endeavors.


  • Haris Kontoes, IAASARS/NOA
  • Pascal Le Masson, Mines Paris, PSL University - CGS
  • Evangelos Gerasopoulos, National Observatory of Athens
  • Nicolas Fichaux, Mines Paris, PSL University – O.I.E.
  • Kathrin Hintze, ESA
  • Malik Terfous, Mines Paris, PSL University - CGS​


Introduction of the Workshop
Part 1: Reflecting on e-shape: Lessons Learned for Co-design in Earth Observation
Part 2: New Frontiers in Co-design for EO
Part 3: Get Started with Co-design: A Practical Workshop

YP/IDEA Speed Mentoring Event

Time: Thursday 11 July, 13:20 -14:40
Location: Allegro Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.19
Event co-organized with GRSS YP and GRSS IDEA

Event Description: The YP/IDEA Speed Mentoring Event is a one-of-a-kind chance for professionals to connect and network with mentors or mentees in a casual and fun setting. A light lunch will be provided, and the environment will be welcoming and engaging. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or looking to take the next step, this event is the perfect chance to meet like-minded individuals and expand your professional network. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to connect with others in the GRSS community and advance your career aspirations. The event is specifically designed with the support of the Women Mentoring Women program by IDEA and the Mentorship program by YP, and will allow a longer term mentorship opportunity in one of our programs if a match is made


  • Mary Immaculate Neh Fru, Center of Geological and Mining Research Garoua, Cameroon​
  • Paula Castro Brandão Vaz dos Santos, Wageningen University & Research​

Additional Information

Tickets: 5 Euro

Registration: Online or on-site at the IGARSS registration desk

As places are limited, we kindly advise you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your attendance at this event. Light lunch will be provided to all attendees!!!

IDEA Indigenous Inclusion Event

Time: Thursday 11 July, 14:40 -16:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.20
Event co-organized with GRSS IDEA

Event Description: Bridging Worlds: Indigenous-Led Innovation in Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development

Hosted by the Geo Indigenous Alliance and Space4Innovation, this Indigenous led panel at IGARSS 2024 will spotlight the intersection of Indigenous knowledge and remote sensing, emphasising its pivotal role in addressing pressing socio-environmental challenges. We'll showcase innovative Earth observation tools led by Indigenous communities from the Amazon to the Arctic, highlighting their unique contributions to sustainable development. Through engaging discussions, we'll explore the opportunities and barriers faced by Indigenous Peoples in the field, aiming to foster greater understanding and collaboration. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the rich tapestry of Indigenous knowledge and its transformative potential in shaping the future of remote sensing for environmental stewardship and resilience. This session is sponsored by the IEEE GRSS Inspire, Develop, Empower, Advance (IDEA) Committee.


  • Diana Mastracci Sanchez, International Strategic Indigenous Liaison for GEO Indigenous Alliance​​


  • Mario Vargas Shakaim, Indigenous leader from the Shuar Nation, Ecuadorian Amazon​
  • Dr. Yolanda López Maldonado, Indigenous Science (Indigenous Panel Event)
  • Rylan O’Krane, Member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba and Trainer at  Indigenous Mapping Collective

IEEE GRSS Journals

Time: Thursday 11July, 17:20 -19:00
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.21

Event Description: The aim of this event is to hold a meeting for attendees to share experiences with Editors-in-Chief (TGRS, GRSM, J-STARS, GRSL, J-MASS, and GRSS Section in IEEE Access), as well as with Associate Editors of the journals of the Society. First, it will be discussed why it is important to publish and, from the large experience of Editors, a roadmap for successful submissions will be discussed. Also, upon the knowledge from Editors, special emphasis about reproducibility and replicability will be encouraged. Although the format will follow a usual presentation form (each Editor-in-Chief will talk about the related Journal), then a debate will be open, where all attendees will have the opportunity to ask directly to the Editors.

It is, no doubt, a magnificent opportunity and it is hoped that all participants will benefit from this event.


  • Prof. Luis Gomez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Additional Information

Profile of the expected attendees: The event is of interest for all researchers in remote sensing, but it may be of special interest for junior researchers and also for Associate Editors of the journals of the Society as well as for regular reviewers.

YP Climate Change Panel

Time: Friday 12 July, 09:00 - 10:40
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.22
Event co-organized with GRSS YP and REACT TC

Event Description: Join us for an engaging and impactful climate change panel discussion based on the IGARSS theme for this year "Acting for Sustainability and Resilience”. This event will bring together experts from academia and industry to share their insights and develop actionable strategies for combating climate change. Key topics include mitigating climate impacts, building community and ecosystem resilience, implementing effective climate policies, and leveraging technological advancements in the field of geoscience and remote sensing for climate action.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and drive meaningful change through engaging with the panelists.


  • Rabia Munsaf Khan, State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry, USA


  • Monika Kuffer, University of Twente, Netherlands
  • Maria Piles, University of Valencia, Valencia
  • Shiyi Li, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Karthikeyan Lanka, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

CV Writing Workshop

Time: Friday 12 July, 11:40 -13:20
Location: Lecture Hall, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre

Event Code - TIE.23
Event sponsored by the Hellenic Space Center

Event Description: The CV writing seminar aims to provide participants with essential tips, best practices, and crucial information to create a standout CV. Addressing the unique needs of engineers, this seminar helps them avoid common pitfalls and offers expert advice on how to highlight their technical skills, project experience, and relevant certifications effectively, covering also important sections like objective statements and achievements. By attending this seminar, participants will gain the necessary knowledge to craft a winning CV and stand out in a competitive job market.

It is, no doubt, a magnificent opportunity and it is hoped that all participants will benefit from this event. Would you like to receive personalized live feedback on your resume during the workshop? Send your resume to  igarss2024.cvwriting@convin.gr by July 5th. Your CV may be among those reviewed by Maria’s professional team.


  • Maria Pafioli, MSc - CVexperts Head

Presenter's Bio: Maria Pafioli holds an MSc in Intercultural Management from Copenhagen Business School, an MA in Career Counselling from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a Bachelor’s degree in Operational Research and Marketing from the Athens University of Economics and Business. She is the co-founder and head of CVexperts, where she, along with her team, creates CVs, LinkedIn Profiles, and other career tools for executives across various industries and levels of hierarchy, including STEM and expert-level CVs.

Additional Information

Profile of the expected attendees: Whether they are looking to transition to a new career, apply for job opportunities, or showcase their skills as part of scientific teams seeking project opportunities, this seminar equips engineers with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effectively present their qualifications and experiences on their CVs.