Technical Visits

Organizing Committee has arranged for congress delegates exceptional technical visits to Hellas Sat, a telecommunications company which provides a range of satellite services covering Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. The company aims to deliver high-quality, reliable satellite communication solutions to its customers, catering to both commercial and governmental entities.

IGARSS 2024 participants, during their visit at Hellas Sat Headquarters, will have chance to visit the one of the two Satellite Operations Center and be guided through the state-of-the-art operational concept and technical introduction to our satellite fleet. The members will also visit the Network Operations Center and will be guided through the end-to-end operations of achieving and maintaining uninterrupted satellite communication services.

Two technical visits have been scheduled to take place on the 11th and 12th of July, respectively. Hellas Sat is situated in Koropi, at 48 Konstantinoupoleos street, in close proximity to INTRAKOM company.

1st Visit: 11 July 2024

2nd visit: 12 July 2024

Departure time from MAICC: 09:10 a.m.

Arrival time at Hellas Sat: 10:00 a.m.

Maximum number of participants: 20 persons in each visit

Duration of visit: 45’

Confirmation of participation is required 10 days prior to the visit while passport presentation is mandatory upon entry to the company.

Hellas Sat Ground Facilities