THPA.PA: Machine Learning for Understanding Climate Change: Geophysical Parameter Estimation and Feature Importance Analysis II
Thu, 11 Jul, 10:40 - 11:40
Location: Poster Area 1: Muses/Kokali Foyer
Note: Some poster boards are located in a location different from the main location. Check the specific poster area below.
Session Type: Poster
Session Chair: Alessandra Budillon, Università di Napoli “Parthenope”
Track: Community-Contributed Sessions
Poster Area 1: Muses/Kokali Foyer

THPA.PA.126: Whether Prediction using Auto-correlation and Machine Learning Algorithms

Shruti Bharati, student, India; Sanjay Shitole, Faculty, India; Shakti Sharma, School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology Bennett University, India; Digambar Puri, Faculty, India
Poster Area 1: Muses/Kokali Foyer

THPA.PA.127: Understanding the Linkages between Land Cover and Income in Baltimore City

Taylor West, Ben Marino, James Gilmore Jr, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), United States