
IGARSS 2024 Special Scientific Themes
  • SP: Special Scientific Themes

    • SP.1: EO and Geo-sciences in the support of SDGs - Agenda 2030
      State-of-the-Art EO and Geo-information Technologies in the support of the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development. Preferable themes relate to Health & Well Being, Cultural Heritage and Archeology, Agriculture and Food Security, Clean Water, Resilient Societies and Sectors, Climate and Soil Actions, Renewable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities, Life Land and Water Ecosystems.
    • SP.2: Geosciences and RS for sector sustainability
      Geosciences and Remote Sensing for sustaining knowledge extraction and users in the domains of:
      • Humanitarian Aid & Security
      • Disasters and Crisis Management
      • Food and Water Supply
      • Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Change Induced Environmental and Health Issues
      • Reduction of Global Emission and Radiation
      • Urban Resilience and Urban Climate Science
      • Tourism
    • SP.3: Leveraging the advancements of flagship Space programs
      Exploitation of flagship national and international cooperation programs in EO, GNSS, TELECOM (e.g. GEO, COPERNICUS, etc) and investments in the relevant research and operational infrastructures to excel in innovation, science and services with the engagement of users, sectors and decision makers.
    • SP.4: Leveraging the Destination Earth and Digital Twins paradigms
      Leveraging the big multi-sensor data and cloud platforms using the paradigms of Destination Earth and Digital Twins, to deploy scalable applications in the support of science and markets across sectors.
    • SP.5: Synergetic use of multiple EO missions and sensors
      Synergetic use of new TIR/MIR/Laser/Radar Space borne missions for sustainable applications.
General Themes
  • T/S: SAR Imaging and Processing Techniques

    • T/S.1: Interferometry: Along and Across
    • T/S.2: Differential SAR Interferometry
    • T/S.3: Multi-Channel DBF Imaging Techniques
    • T/S.4: PolSAR and PolInSAR
    • T/S.5: Bistatic SAR
    • T/S.6: Tomography
    • T/S.7: Sub-surface sensing
  • T/D: Data Analysis

    • T/D.8: Feature Extraction and Reduction
    • T/D.9: Image Segmentation
    • T/D.10: 3D mapping
    • T/D.11: Object Detection and Recognition
    • T/D.12: Classification and Clustering
    • T/D.13: Inversion Techniques
    • T/D.14: Change Detection and Temporal Analysis
    • T/D.15: Hyperspectral Data Processing and Analysis
    • T/D.16: RFI Detection and Mitigation
    • T/D.17: Data Fusion
    • T/D.18: External Calibration
  • T/A: AI and Big Data

    • T/A.19: Data Management Systems and Computing Platforms in Remote Sensing
    • T/A.20: IoT in Geoscience and Remote Sensing
    • T/A.21: Spatio-temporal Data Harmonization
    • T/A.22: Data Analytics and AI Techniques in Remote Sensing
  • T/M: Modeling

    • T/M.23: Electromagnetic Modeling
    • T/M.24: EM Emission Modeling
    • T/M.25: EM Scattering Modeling
    • T/M.26: EM Polarimetric Scattering and Emission Modeling
    • T/M.27: EM Modeling for Signals of Opportunity (e.g. GNSS-R)
  • C: Cryosphere

    • C.1: Snow Cover
    • C.2: Ice Sheets and Glaciers
    • C.3: Sea Ice
    • C.4: Permafrost
  • L: Land Applications

    • L.1: Land Use Applications
    • L.2: Land Cover Dynamics
    • L.3: Forest and Vegetation: Application and Modelling
    • L.4: Forest and Vegetation: Biomass and Carbon Cycle
    • L.5: Agriculture
    • L.6: Urban and Built Environment
    • L.7: Topography, Geology and Geomorphology
    • L.8: Soils and Soil Moisture
    • L.9: Wetlands
    • L.10: Inland Waters
    • L.11: Geology and Geomorphology
  • M: Atmosphere Applications

    • M.1: Precipitation and Clouds
    • M.2: Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation
    • M.3: Atmospheric Sounding
    • M.4: Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry
    • M.5: Ionospheric Remote Sensing
  • O: Oceans

    • O.1: Ocean Biology (Color) and Water Quality
    • O.2: Ocean Surface Winds and Currents
    • O.3: Ocean Temperature and Salinity
    • O.4: Coastal Zones
    • O.5: Ocean Altimetry
  • P: Remote Sensing of Planetary and other Celestial Bodies

    • P.1: Moon
    • P.2: Mars
    • P.3: Other Celestial Bodies
    • P.4: Moons
    • P.5: Planets
  • S/M: Mission, Sensors and Calibration

    • S/M.1: Spaceborne SAR Missions
    • S/M.2: Spaceborne Passive Microwave Missions
    • S/M.3: Spaceborne GNSS-R Missions
    • S/M.4: Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions
    • S/M.5: Spaceborne LIDAR Missions
    • S/M.6: Exploration Missions (other Planets)
    • S/M.7: New Space Missions
    • S/M.8: UAV and Airborne Platforms
    • S/M.9: Ground based Systems
    • S/M.10: High Altitude Platforms
  • S/I: Sensors, Instruments and Calibration

    • S/I.11: Sensors Using Signals of Opportunity (e.g. GNSS-R)
    • S/I.12: Lidar Sensors
    • S/I.13: Passive Optical Multi- and Hyperspectral Sensors and Calibration
    • S/I.14: SAR Instrument
    • S/I.15: Advanced Future Instrument Concepts
    • S/I.16: Microwave Radiometer Calibration
    • S/I.17: SAR and Radar Instrument Calibration
    • S/I.18: Microwave Radiometer Instruments
    • S/I.19: Ground Penetrating Radar
    • S/I.20: Onboard Signal Processing
    • S/I.21: Scatterometer, Clouds and Rain Radar
  • D/E: Education and Policy

    • D/E.1: Data Management and Systems
    • D/E.2: Remote Sensing Data and Policy Decisions
    • D/E.3: Education and Remote Sensing
  • D/S: Societal Engagement and Impacts

    • D/S.4: Citizen and Open Science
    • D/S.5: Risk and Disaster Management (Extreme Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, etc)
    • D/S.6: Food security
    • D/S.7: Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development
    • D/S.8: Standardization in Remote Sensing
    • D/S.9: Remote Sensing for Climate Change Impacts
Community-Contributed Sessions

Manuscripts may also be submitted to a Community-Contributed Session.

  • CCS: Community-Contributed Sessions

    • CCS.1: 3D SAR Imaging combined with Microwave Vision
    • CCS.2: A Thermodynamic Basis for Ecosystem Thermal Remote Sensing: It’s Not Just About Evapotranspiration!
    • CCS.3: Addressing urbanites’ wellbeing in a holistic manner within the SDGs’ frame
    • CCS.4: Advanced Methods for Polarimetric SAR Information Extraction
    • CCS.5: Advanced Strategies for Measurement- and Event-Driven Earth Observations
    • CCS.6: Advancements in Radar, Lidar, and Stereoimaging for Achieving Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Goals
    • CCS.7: Advances in Data Compression Methods for EO Systems
    • CCS.8: Advances in Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Processing and Interpretation
    • CCS.9: Advances on Polarimetric GNSS-R
    • CCS.10: Advancing Earth System Digital Twins for Informed Decision Making
    • CCS.11: Advancing EO-supported anticipatory humanitarian action
    • CCS.12: Advancing Technologies for Wildfire Risk Management in the Context of the 2030 Green Deal
    • CCS.13: AI in the Sky: Explainable Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Imagery
    • CCS.14: AI, EO and Big Geospatial Data to Support the Urban-Poverty-Related SDGs
    • CCS.15: Causality and Machine Learning for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
    • CCS.16: AI-powered Data Engineering and Reusability for Earth Observation Applications
    • CCS.17: ALOS Series Mission, Cal/Val, and Applications
    • CCS.18: Analysis-Ready Data: The first step towards Interoperability
    • CCS.19: Applications of very high resolution X-Band SAR data
    • CCS.20: Best practices for space-borne aerosol, cloud and precipitation profile products
    • CCS.21: Big Data meets Artificial Intelligence in Space: Where we are and where we need to go
    • CCS.22: Bridging the Gap: AI-Enhanced EO Technologies for Health Resilience Applications in the Era of Climate Change
    • CCS.23: Challenges and opportunities in observations for cryosphere monitoring
    • CCS.24: Chinese spaceborne high spectral resolution lidar techniques and its atmospheric and oceanic applications
    • CCS.25: Close-range Sensing of Environment
    • CCS.26: Coastal Observations: Current Status and Future Needs for Sustainable Development
    • CCS.27: Combining Research Data with Earth Observation and Remote Sensing to Predict Urban Aquatic Ecosystem Health
    • CCS.28: Copernicus and Destine Platform Ecosystem Opportunities
    • CCS.29: Advancing the IEEE GRSS Data Service (GRSS ESI session, technically supported by CODATA Germany)
    • CCS.30: Data-centric AI for Geosciences
    • CCS.31: Datasets and Benchmarking in Remote Sensing: Towards Large-Scale, Multi-Modality and Sustainability
    • CCS.32: Deep Learning and SAR Image Processing: how to handle the lack of reference issue
    • CCS.33: Digital Twins in Europe, looking at challenges and opportunities in interoperability
    • CCS.34: Drone, Radar, Airborne, and Satellite data for Damage Assessment, Early Warning, and Recovery During and After Natural Hazards
    • CCS.35: Edge Computing Meets AI in Space
    • CCS.36: EO in support to SDGs achievement: A Security perspective
    • CCS.37: Explainable, Physics-aware, and Trustworthy AI for SAR: Towards Digital Twin Earth
    • CCS.38: Exploration and Exploitation of New Earth-Observing Satellite Applications for Weather and Climate Science
    • CCS.39: Exposure and susceptibility to urban heat in the Global South
    • CCS.40: EY Open Science Data Challenge: Coastal Resilience
    • CCS.41: Financing the Future: Fostering Innovation in Space Technologies through Diverse Funding Mechanisms
    • CCS.42: Fusing Numerical Weather Prediction, Satellite and In-situ data towards novel services in Precision Agriculture
    • CCS.43: Geology and Geophysics across the Solar System
    • CCS.44: Geoscience and Remote Sensing for Cultural Heritage Protection
    • CCS.45: Give Earth a Chance: Artificial Intelligence Meets Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
    • CCS.46: Global Food-and-Water Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) in the Twenty-First Century by leveraging AI, cloud computing, and multi-sensor satellite remote sensing
    • CCS.47: Global precipitation Mission and Applications
    • CCS.48: GNSS-R Modeling: Land and Ocean
    • CCS.49: GNSS-R Modeling: Physics-informed machine-learning retrieval
    • CCS.50: Government and Commercial Calibration/Validation of Space Based Hyperspectral Sensors
    • CCS.51: Government and Commercial Space Based Hyperspectral Systems Update
    • CCS.52: GRSS ESI TC / HDCRS WG - Quantum Computing Next Generation HPC
    • CCS.53: GRSS ESI TC / HDCRS WG - Quantum Machine Learning algorithms for EO
    • CCS.54: GRSS ESI TC / HDCRS WG - Scalable Parallel Computing for Remote Sensing
    • CCS.55: IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest - Track 1
    • CCS.56: IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest - Track 2
    • CCS.57: Image Analysis and Data Fusion: The AI Era
    • CCS.58: Innovations in Scalable and FAIR compliant Remote Sensing Data Systems
    • CCS.59: Innovative EO applications based on high spatial and temporal resolution thermal data
    • CCS.60: Innovative EO-based applications for emergency management and security
    • CCS.61: Integrated studies of geohazards and space weather with multi-sensor observations
    • CCS.62: Land Cover & Land Intelligence
    • CCS.63: Large-scale forest biophysical parameter mapping with the combination of spaceborne radar and lidar/optical sensors
    • CCS.64: Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite missions and their contribution to Earth science applications
    • CCS.65: Machine learning and remote sensing data for rapid disaster response
    • CCS.66: Machine Learning for Modelling and Monitoring Climate Change
    • CCS.67: Machine Learning for Understanding Climate Change: Geophysical Parameter Estimation and Feature Importance Analysis
    • CCS.68: Machine learning methods for Earth Observation: applications to all phases of the mining life cycle
    • CCS.69: Major philosophies of hyperspectral data analysis for global food and water security using new generation spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data
    • CCS.70: Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow
    • CCS.71: Modeling in Remote Sensing
    • CCS.72: Monitoring Agricultural Tillage Practices using Earth Observation
    • CCS.73: Monitoring land cover and management practices for optimizing resources efficiency in agriculture
    • CCS.74: Multifrequency Microwave Applications to Soil and Vegetation: Observations and Modeling
    • CCS.75: Multi-Sensor Satellite Image Time Series and AI in support of the Agri-Food Sector and Common Agricultural Policy
    • CCS.76: Multistatic Radar Tomography for Estimating Internal Properties of the Earth, Atmosphere, and Celestial Bodies
    • CCS.77: NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission Observations and Scientific Results
    • CCS.78: New methods and models to generate remotely sensed products for a sustainable ocean
    • CCS.79: Next Generation of LEO/GEO Microwave and Infrared Sounders
    • CCS.80: Nighttime Light Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development Goals
    • CCS.81: Observing the Earth’s Planetary Boundary Layer
    • CCS.82: Physics-informed Machine Learning in Remote Sensing Retrieval
    • CCS.83: PRISMA Hyperspectral Data Exploitation
    • CCS.84: Quantifying ecosystem changes and the interplay with geodiversity and biodiversity
    • CCS.85: Quantum Sensing: Revolutionizing Earth Remote Sensing Atom by Atom
    • CCS.86: Quantum Technology for Remote Sensing
    • CCS.87: Radio Frequency Interference and Spectrum Management Issues in Microwave Remote Sensing
    • CCS.88: Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Technologies in Archaeological and Cultural Property Research
    • CCS.89: Remote Sensing Applications for Addressing Critical Challenges in Latin American Countries
    • CCS.90: Remote sensing for coastal sustainability
    • CCS.91: Remote Sensing for Ocean Preservation
    • CCS.92: Remote Sensing Imaging for Climate Change Monitoring and Disaster Assessment using Trustworthy AI
    • CCS.93: Remote Sensing of Armed Conflicts
    • CCS.94: Remote Sensing Techniques to Monitor Soil Health Indicators
    • CCS.95: Remote sensing tools for Permafrost regions
    • CCS.96: Remotely sensed monitoring and nowcasting of environmental disasters
    • CCS.97: Responsible AI4EO
    • CCS.98: SAR in China: Current Systems, Methods, Applications and Future Missions
    • CCS.99: SAR Monitoring of Hazards on Marine Coastal Environments
    • CCS.100: SAR tomography: current methods and future trends with a focus on AI and upcoming missions
    • CCS.101: Satellite Data and Models for Coastal Zone Digital Twins
    • CCS.102: Scaling GeoAI for Rapid Disaster Response and Humanitarian Applications
    • CCS.103: Signal and Data Processing in Atmosphere Remote Sensing
    • CCS.104: Space applications for a resilient, sustainable and evolving society
    • CCS.105: Space for Climate Observatory: Operational Applications for Climate adaptation with Remote Sensing Data processing
    • CCS.106: Space Lidar: Missions, Technologies, and Observations
    • CCS.107: Big Data Standards Evolution: What Do We Have, What Can We Expect?
    • CCS.108: State-of-the-Art EO and Geo-information Technologies in the support of the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development for Marine and Coastal Environment
    • CCS.109: Super-resolution and pansharpening
    • CCS.110: Systems Analysis and Decision Science for Remote Sensing Applications
    • CCS.111: TanDEM-X: Mission Status and Science Activities
    • CCS.112: Terrestrial Radar/SAR Systems and Applications
    • CCS.113: The geometry of remote sensing: From image alignment to 3D reconstruction
    • CCS.114: The Interplay of Earth Observations and Data Science addressing environmental challenges along the SDGs
    • CCS.115: The Socioeconomic Value of Environmental Satellite Data
    • CCS.116: The SWOT Ka-band InSAR Mission: Status, Methods, Applications
    • CCS.117: Thermal imaging and visible to shortwave imaging spectroscopy for aquatic resources in the context of SDGs: 2, 6, 14, 15
    • CCS.118: Toward foundation models for EO
    • CCS.119: Trends in environmental monitoring and disaster risk reduction in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa
    • CCS.120: UAV/Mobile-Mapping SAR Systems and Applications
    • CCS.121: Underwater remote sensing based on sonar technique
    • CCS.122: Utilising commercial constellations and dual-use assets for Climate Monitoring, Sustainability and Security
    • CCS.123: Utilising Space-borne Remote Sensing Data for Maritime Sustainability, Security, and Climate Change Mitigation
    • CCS.124: Water security and sustainable development: a multi-Country Remote sensing perspective
    • CCS.125: Wildfire science, response, and technology: challenges, opportunities, and advances
    • CCS.126: Leveraging the IEEE Standardization Process to Promote Innovation in Remote Sensing
    • CCS.127: Sustainable Development Goals through Image Analysis and Data Fusion of Earth Observation Data
    • CCS.128: Earth Observations Contribution to the Sustianable Developments Goals
    • CCS.129: EarthServer: From a Grassroots Initiative to the Worldwide Largest Datacube Federation (GRSS ESI session, technically supported by CODATA Germany)
    • CCS.130: Monitoring and Validating Floods using Earth Observation and AI
    • CCS.131: Advanced Flood Monitoring and Prediction for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilient Infrastructure
    • CCS.132: The contribution of high-resolution flood risk assessment, monitoring, impact assessment, early warning and forecast systems towards a more efficient disaster management.
    • CCS.133: Leveraging CubeSat and SmallSat validations for future of remote sensing