Community Contributed Session Proposals

Community Contributed Session Proposal Submission Deadline is Sunday, 15 October 2023!

Important Dates

Sunday, 15 October 2023 Community Contributed Session Proposal deadline
Wednesday, 1 November 2023 Community Contributed Session acceptance notification

Community contributed sessions proposals are solicited for the 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2024), to be held on July 7 - 12 in Athens, Greece. Community contributed sessions are replacing invited sessions at IGARSS 2024.

Proposals for community contributed sessions are due to the Co-Chairs of the Technical Program Committee by 15 October 2023. This deadline will be strictly observed, and no deadline extension will be given.

Each proposal should include:

In general, each Community-Contributed session will be composed of 5 papers. For those who want to propose longer sessions, please submit multiple sessions (such as Session Name: Title (Part 1), Session Name: Title (Part 2), where each session has 5 papers. The timeline and process for abstract submission and peer-review for invitees is the same as that for the regular oral sessions.

Preference will be given to Community-Contributed Sessions referring to the topics designated as special interest for IGARSS 2024:

Proposals that refer to the General Topics are equally welcome:

Should the proposed Community- Contributed Session be accepted into the technical program, the chair and co-chair should confirm that their potential invitees commit to attend and deliver a presentation at the IGARSS 2024. When seeking such commitment, we suggest that the chairs of the Community-Contributed session advise the invited presenters that, until November, a place for the session in the final technical program cannot be guaranteed, as the competition for Community-Contributed session places is strong and the number of sessions that will be accepted is limited (no more than 30% of the total oral sessions).

The letters of acceptance for Community-Contributed Sessions will be mailed on Wednesday, 1 November 2023.

Each Community-Contributed oral session is allowed up to two Invited Papers. These are intended to be overview or visionary presentations and are generally supported by the GRSS Technical Committees. The abstracts and approval/review of these papers/presentations will be conducted by a special review committee appointed by the General Chairs and TPC Chairs.

All proposals should be submitted online through the link below:

Start a new Proposal

Login to edit an existing Proposal

Questions regarding Community-Contributed Sessions may be directed to